(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。)[赛后贴]今日NBA常规赛,勇士队127-130主场不敌掘金队。双方数据勇士(16-18):库里30分4板6助、克莱24分3板3助、库明加16分4板4助、卢尼7分4板3助、保罗9分4板6助、波杰姆斯基13分5助、维金斯11分3板、萨里奇13分7板6助、戴维斯4分掘金(25-11):约基奇34分9板10助2断、戈登30分9板2助、穆雷25分6助2断、沃特森19分5板、波普8分3板4助、波特8分4板[–]Charlotte BobcatsNotManyBuses 171 points an hour agoSteph’s decision making down the stretch was all time horrendous. Like 3 off balance end of the shot clock 3s, trying to iso bigs and failing, just a complete and utter meltdown山猫球迷:今日库里在关键时刻的决策,其恐怖程度,放眼整个篮球的悠悠历史长河,都是堪称奠躺级的存在!!三次压哨三分出手身子七倒八歪,这是瞎投!小打大想巧取单吃被摁住,您可住手!垮得一塌糊涂真是简直了,无药可救!!
约基奇逆天绝杀[–]NBAReikakou 10 points an hour agoBall hog down the stretch.球迷:关键时刻库里就是个球霸!!!
[–]NBAaiden3buckets 113 points an hour agoSome of those shots were just grenades given to him by his teammates, terrible execution. No idea why Kuminga got benched球迷:其实库里好几个投篮还都是队友丢过来的锅,勇士这执行力太瞎了…还有,为啥不让库明加上啊!!![–]PacersTheBoilerCat 60 points an hour agoDeath of a dynasty?步行者球迷:今天这剧情,可以算是“王朝の灭亡”了吧?[–]CIark 37 points an hour agoYou can’t kill what’s already dead球迷:谈不上灭亡,之前就已经死透了,墓前看来,勉强算个鞭尸吧…
[–]DistillCollection 298 points an hour agoThe Joker with the most hilarious game winner!球迷:反观约基奇,今天他可奉上了一记最离奇搞笑的绝杀啊!!
[–]PacersLuck1492 667 points 2 hours agoJokic is fucking nuts步行者球迷:约基奇这人简直他娘的是个疯子!!
[–][BKN] Spencer DinwiddieBaloobadooby 192 points 2 hours agoi legitimately screamed when he made that篮网球迷:约基奇绝杀的那一刻,我直接失声尖叫了出来~~~[–]Clippersjohnobmas 57 points 2 hours agoMe too man me too快船球迷:英雄所叫略同啊,俺也一样~~~~~[–]Buffalo Bravessuckmedrie 51 points an hour agoYeah I've never screamed watching a game before but holy fuck it just came out球迷:是啊~~~一般我看比赛的时候,嗓子从来是相当矜持的~~~~可是今天他娘的被爽到,直接呻吟出来了~~~
[–]Warriorstrident001 479 points an hour agohell nawI cant do this勇士球迷:天哪~~~~别这样~~~~我真的要受不了啦~~~~
[–]Trail BlazersShaedonSharpe4Life 179 points an hour agoSend da video开拓者球迷:楼上的勇蜜,发生了甚么事,拍个视频给我,让我看看我会不会笑出来~~~
[–]Warriorstrident001 98 points an hour agolook at the 19 point lead how cute tho 💔还是楼上那个勇士球迷:看呐~~~看看那19分的领先优势~~~好可爱有木有💔
[–]Clippers2holesinbutt666 384 points an hour agoGoddamn Warriors fans gonna need to check their doctors after all these choke. 4th q快船球迷:卧槽!!快来人啊!!有勇蜜已经疯了!!经历了这么多次第四节崩盘,勇士球迷得赶紧找医生看看了~~~可别耽误了黄金抢救时间啊~~~~
[–]WarriorsCharlie_Wax 103 points an hour agoFalse. Big brain move to lose the game in regulation instead of letting it go to OT and losing even worse.勇士球迷:楼上的你懂个蛋!!看不出来此中暗藏妙机吗?!勇士今日的操作,堪称胆大心细,暖暖地照顾了咱球迷的感受!!!没错,他们就是故意挑在第四节输掉比赛的!!你知道要是进入加时赛之后再输掉比赛,对勇蜜的精神伤害可就更加深了啊!!
[–]MKenshiX 201 points an hour agoJesus Christ, what the fuck was that second half球迷:我咧个耶稣基督!!下半场他娘的出什么事儿了??[–]Washington Bullets0zymand1as- 93 points an hour agoTerrible rotations and bad playmakingAin’t no way Kerr put a lineup of four guards against the Nuggets 🤦🏿♂️奇才球迷:勇士!轮换稀烂!战术扯淡!科尔派四个后卫上场去跟掘金干🤦🏿♂️[–]Timberwolvescomp_a 280 points an hour agoThe Warriors led by 18 points with 6:35 remaining. This was a spectacular collapse.森林狼球迷:比赛还剩6:35的时候,勇士还领先18分…这崩盘崩得可真稀碎啊…[–]NuggetsOhWhatsInaWonderball 32 points an hour agoKerr is somehow gonna blame this loss on a lucky shot and not his team blowing an 18 point lead掘金球迷:科尔肯定还是能把自己摘干净,说自己是死在了运气球手里,只字不提是自己把18分的优势先给浪没了…[–]WarriorsShadowCrusader98 16 points an hour agoDon’t forget, he could use the refs as a scapegoat……again……this season.勇士球迷:别忘了,他还可以拿裁判当替罪羊呢…这赛季他还是屡试不爽…[–][BKN] Spencer DinwiddieBaloobadooby 7 points an hour agohe said "I feel so bad for the guys", dude youre the coach of the team??篮网球迷:科尔还说呢“我为球员们感到难过。”,大锅???你可是主教练啊,听你这意思,是一点儿锅都不想背是吗?
[–]CelticsIm__Ron__Burgundy 56 points an hour agoNuggets masterclass and Warriors disasterclass, including a horrific turnover by Steph on the Warriors final possession.凯尔特人球迷:掘金的表现是殿堂级的!勇士的表现是奠堂祭的!!还有你库里,最后那个失误阎王爷看了都得尿裤子!!!
[–]WarriorsAlex021402 92 points 2 hours agoLol已疯勇蜜:哈哈哈哈哈!!别人笑我太疯癫,我笑别人猜对了~~~
[–]arjunsahlot 13 points an hour agoI don't even know what to say anymore.疑似勇蜜:我已经不知道说啥好了…[–]TimberwolvesMNice_Enough 87 points 2 hours agoWhy’d they stop playing Kumminga?森林狼球迷:为啥勇士不让库明加打啊~?[–][GSW] Dorell WrightPARDON_howdoyoudo 89 points an hour ago18 points in 18 mins scared Kerr. Don't wanna raise his contract value or something 🤦🏻♂️勇士球迷:库明加上场18分钟就砍下了18分,这种逆天表现吓到科尔了…他应该是不想库明加打出身价或者什么原因…[–]NetsJeshway 49 points an hour agoKerr is brain dead篮网球迷:科尔这个死脑残!
[–]NuggetsShetheKing 75 points 2 hours agoWhat did we do to deserve Jokic掘金球迷:我们掘金能拥有约老师~~~~何德何能啊~~~55555~~~~
[–]Striking-Test-7509 2 points an hour agoReperations for Carmello anthony’s stint球迷:吃尽了安东尼喂的苦,这才享受得了约老师给的甜啊~~~
[–]Maverickslost_in_trepidation 1 point an hour agoFrom the second round too. Unreal.独行侠球迷:更可气的是,约基奇还是你们从次轮淘到的宝!!没天理啊!!![–]WarriorsMemorykill 9 points an hour agoNot sure who the bigger idiot is Kerr or Steph lul勇士球迷:科尔和库里,我已经搞不清楚谁才是脑残一号了,哈哈哈呜呜呜~~~~[–]Celticsdjdarkflame 6 points 2 hours agoGet Steve Kerr out of basketball for that凯尔特人球迷:都这样了,还是快把科尔从篮球圈里给销户吧!!来源:Reddit【来源:直播吧】
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